Wednesday, May 19, 2010

OP-I Love this Color

Pastel Polishes:
1. Essie - Ballet Slippers
2. OPI- Do You Lilac It
3. Essie - Splash of Grenadine

No matter what the budget says, we can allllways squeeze in a Mani/Pedi. Especially when the girls next door at Lilypad only charge $25 a pop. There is just nothing better than spending Friday evening posted up in the massive massage chairs with endless stacks of gossip/fashion mags, green tea, and the bestie, while getting pampered by our favorite nail team.

This past Friday we went in and much to our dismay, realized that half the neighborhood had made the same indulgent choice we had. That left us 30 minutes to sit on the waiting couch- and meant that choosing a color became a labor intensive process, much too much time to change my mind. Let’s be honest, the color choice is sometimes so intense for me that it takes the fun out of the experience. After spending 10 minutes in front of the color wall, I was up and down off of that waiting couch at least 6 times… and painted almost all of my nails to see how the color looked out of the bottle. (So embarrassing when you try to rub it off with a Kleenex and then just end up with fuzzy sticky nails.) Anyway, it’s a big choice because you’re stuck looking at this color for the next week and a half at least- and let be honest- a lot longer on the toes.

All this to say, this week I found the perfect color. Every time I look down I think about what an artistic genius I am, and I pat myself on the back with my perfectly manicured hands. I thought I was going to go for a pastel spring color, a departure from the grey obsession that was Winter 2010 (See you next year, OPI My Private Jet & You Don’t Know Jacques.) I had a few in mind… but made a game time decision and went in the opposite direction-- a wild red/orange/pink. It’s looking great with the subtle hints of a summer tan setting in, and it was the perfect complement to my floral romper and pastel Nike high-tops at this weekend’s Bay to Breakers extravaganza. Bummer Alert: the label with the name was missing from the bottom of this perfect phantom OPI… which made things really tricky when I had to go back in Saturday morning for a touch up after a major thumb smudge.

Will we ever know the name of the perfection that is this color? Perhaps we can make our own-- suggestions?

Amancock at Bay to Breakers 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

finding little ray

I'm lucky enough to be the blood relative of my best friend. Her name is Katharine though she answers to anything- as of late I've been calling her Ray and/or Diggy. She is exploring Australia with her partner in crime/BFF Molly. Read on for some snipits of the fabulous emails that I get from her on a weekly basis.

"i miss them! you must miss them too. or not...idk your weird like that. okay welp im tired and afraid im going to fry my ovaries if i keep my comp on my stomach any longer so i should go! i have to wake up at 7am to skype with mom and dad again.......we're addicted! feel free to join if you are free aka not chained and bound to your dumb cube."

"i LOVE getting your emails they make me LOL every time! im in my room alone laughing and thinking of ppl who would think its funny too....and the only other person i can think of is ju"

"i liked your shewolf vid, we do different things but i think we both really work it. did you have a good weekend with shoshana and taryn and hayden? those are sexy names."

"i have an image in my head of you two sitting in a hotel bar and him talking about everyone in the family and you nodding dreamily with your head resting on your hand and then closing your eyes and leaning in for a kiss while hes still talking. ummm i hope that didnt happen"

"its 1030 am on saturday here, and there is a hurricane coming! they said if you live on the third floor you should gather your personal belongings and important documents and a change of clothes and move to the bottom floor bc the roof may blow off the building. guess what floor i live on?? but they were also like notify your parents and tell them that you will be okay and theres nothing to worry about, ummmmm i dont know if mom and dad even know where i am."

"how was sonta bohbruh? thats the ONLY reason i can fathom you havent responded to my email or updated your blog you little minxy treat."

"heheh jk! that wasnt me that was SASHArayFIERCE. how was dinner? did you sweat through your shirt? did you have to call chad and have him go to your apt and pick out another one for you? did you come back half way through dinner in an entirely new outfit? did you choke on a grain of rice and hawk a spicy tuna roll straight into his miso? Did you call him Daddy by accident? Did you send him a text meant for plott? Did he bring up a.miller and you got mixed up and went on a rant about your ex boyfriend? Did you realize your mistake then punch your self in the face?"

"does it bug you that you moved to cali but when i come visit you im gonna be more tan? and blonde? and if i continue to burn 800+ calories a day i will have essentially morphed into maria sharapova? sarre."

"i need to have these shoes. i really need them.

it would fill my heart if these were a part of my wardrobe...........

lets split them and you can have them until i come visit you then you can take them next time i come home......or you can have them till my school year starts and ill give them back at xmas. lets make it happen we would look SO GOOD in these shoes"

"im so happy, i really wish you could experience it."

I love you SOSOSO much, and I can't wait to see you in June!